Meђународне набавке

Signalling and Telecommunication of railway line “Niš-Dimitrovgrad” – Niš Bypass and Prosek-Dimitrovgrad Sections

21. 08. 2024. Prior information notice - Nis-Dim SS&TC - 2024-OJS161-00498925-en-ts

EBRD is opening a procurement call for the implementation of a Corporate Development Programme and a Corporate Governance Action Plan

16. 05. 2023. Draft text for advertising CDP on SRI website final, engl..pdf

Specific Procurement Notice SER - SRSM - RFB - G-22-41-2 Software for Timetable construction

12. 05. 2023. ENOTICES_jacevsks (eu.europa.eib)-2022-201518-NF14

Reconstruction and modernization of railway line Niš-Dimitrovgrad – Section Bypass of Niš

28. 12. 2022. ENOTICES_jacevsks (eu.europa.eib)-2022-201518-NF14

Reconstruction and modernization of existing railway line and construction of the second track railway Belgrade-Nis, Stalac - Djunis Section. Lot 2 Reference number: EIB-GtP/MOB 1/2021/3.4-2

17. 08. 2022.REF. EIB-GtP120213.4-2 - CLARIFICATIONS TO THE TENDERERS QUERIES_REV002 17. 08. 2022.
29. 07. 2022.Corrigendum 1 - extension to submission deadline
15. 07. 2022.REF. EIB-GtP120213.4-2 - CLARIFICATIONS TO THE TENDERERS QUERIES_15.07.2022.
17. 06. 2022.dr2_contractnotice_restr_en - FINAL 13june2022.pdf
17. 06. 2022.dr3_applform_restr_en_FINAL 13june2022.pdf

Consulting services 2020/S 182-436028, EIB-GtP/1/2020-527

DateOdluka o dodeli ugovora Contract award decision
06. 10. 2021.PDF

Reconstruction and modernization of railway line “Niš-Dimitrovgrad – Section Prosek (Sićevo)-Dimitrovgrad Reference number: EIB-GtP/1/2021/3.3

22. 07. 2022.Decision on the Contract award - the selection of the Contractor, Nis-Di...
22. 07. 2022.Одлука о додели Уговора - избор Извођача радова, Ниш-Димитровград
18. 02. 2022.Tender opening report - REF. EIB-GtP_1_2021_3.3
20. 01. 2022.REF. EIB-GtP_1_2021_3.3 - CLARIFICATIONS TO TENDERERS QUERIES REV003 20. 01. 2022
20. 01. 2022.Corrigendum 3 - admin and tender dossier - 20. 01 .2022
13. 12. 2021.CORRIGENDUM No. 1 to the tender dossier .pdf
21. 09. 2021.Tender documentation
01. 12. 2021.Site visit list attendance register_18 Nov 2021
01. 12. 2021.Clarification meeting attendance register_Nis 19 Nov 2021.pdf
01. 12. 2021.REF. EIB-GtP_1_2021_3.3 - CLARIFICATIONS TO TENDERERS QUERIES REV001 01.12.2021
20. 12. 2021. REF. EIB-GtP_1_2021_3.3 - CLARIFICATIONS TO TENDERERS QUERIES REV002 20.12.2021
20. 12. 2021. Corrigendum 2 to the tender dossier 20.12.2021